The Grounding Book

grounding.jpgI spent two years studying with and learning from a large community of professional psychics (over 50) in a clairvoyant training program. From that time period I distilled a diverse and unusual approach to the traditional grounding cord tool. There are grounding cord modifications and secrets in this book that you will not find elsewhere, because I invented them myself. These are what are called grounding cord "updates" and they work surprisingly well.

I want to be very clear: this book is only 40 pages in a six by nine format. Now that may seem small, but this book contains techniques and information that very few people have in published form and a few critical tips that no one has published. There is one tiny piece of information in this book that took me three months to figure out and, if you are grounding regularly, it will make the difference between you feeling completely exhausted and normal! Small changes in your grounding space can have huge effects. In fact, that single piece of information is worth the price of this book alone.

This book is only for people who are really serious about their meditation practice and grounding regularly; it will save you months, and possibly even years, in searching. If you are a healer, massage therapist, or dedicated spiritual explorer then this book is for you.

Click here to purchase the book in PDF/e-book format.

If you already use and know about this tool then this is your opportunity to take a big step up in your ability to release energy, cleanse your space, and use the concept of grounding cords in new and unique ways. Did you know that you can ground lost objects or restaurant seats? Find out how to ground other people without creating karma for yourself...

What does the book include?

Many healers in fact learn the grounding cord tool and never stop to consider that it actually requires development, attention, and modification. Find out why using the same grounding cord over and over is the biggest mistake you can make with this tool.

This book is great for beginners because it goes into detail about the difference between being in your body, versus shifting your awareness, versus running lots of earth energy, versus validating your body. Often times people use the term "grounded" to mean one or more of those things when actually they are quite different from the concept of a grounding cord -- a tool specifically used to release energy from your aura, body, and chakras.

The book takes you step by step through the process of creating and using the tool. You will also discover another tool that acts as a counterpart to the grounding tool and is necessary to replenish your own energy. Without replenishing yourself grounding can become a fruitless, troublesome, or even dangerous activity...

This book also includes unique suggestions for massage therapists, so that you don't have to take on so much of your client's energy. Like I said, this information isn't something you're going to find elsewhere, unless you study with a community of psychics over a long period of time.

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